It is no secret the cost of health care is on a steady, if not expediential increase in Canada—Globally for that matter. Canadian Health Care Cost Drivers include: Demographics, population growth and aging Price Inflation Technology Utilization As we have focused on...
To attract and retain valuable employees is the number one reason to offer an employee group benefit package. The reason: because employees who enjoy peace of mind in a financial safety net are better able to concentrate on what you hired them to do…make you money....
My poor son. In an effort to teach financial literacy to my nine-year-old, I had him go through the process of setting up his own account. Yes, we had set an account up for each of our children when they were born; however, going through the experience of setting up...
“Canada to see a 40% increase in cancer patients by 2013” This Globe and Mail article goes on to report how this staggering statistic is due to the “rising tide of seniors”. In fact, way down the page, the article reveals the incident rates for cancer have held...
Why would you ever travel without proper coverage? How much would medical care cost if you or your family became injured or ill during your trip outside Canada? How expensive would it be if you needed to cancel your trip or come home early?How would you pay for these...