Coffee Houses

Coffee Houses

In this 24-7 world were everyone is virtually—virally connected to everyone else, isn’t it strange to consider the coffee house fulfilling the actual meaning of personally connection to one’s neighbours—friends—community: socializing as the true meaning of the word....
Success verses Mastery

Success verses Mastery

If SUCCESS is the fruition of reaching one’s goals and the recognition of completion; MASTERY is the passionate understanding that one’s goals are never complete and achieving success once is only the beginning. I’m very lucky to work with hundreds of passionate...

Duchess Bake Shop

From the moment you walk through the doors on 124th Street, customers are greeted with old world elegance, typical of what you would imagine a European sidewalk café, complete with delectable pastries, specialty coffees and so much more. From the rich, cream-colored...
Success verses Mastery

Money is not the motivator

Money matters don’t get me wrong. But it is no longer the motivator it once was. Sure, money’s exciting, temping and people have been seen to do almost anything for it—in the short term. How about the long haul? Assuming you are not hiring employees on a contractual,...


It’s my first time dying, I’m just trying to get use to it, she said in a forced, flippant voice as we got to the heart of why she was calling. Her words faltered and she coughed. This is certainly not the type of call I ever expected to take. You see, when the call...