If SUCCESS is the fruition of reaching one’s goals and the recognition of completion; MASTERY is the passionate understanding that one’s goals are never complete and achieving success once is only the beginning.

I’m very lucky to work with hundreds of passionate people who have taken their initial success and transformed this into masterful businesses. From roofers, to plumbers, welders, and machinists, in the oil patch and the sky rises, these people know not only what it takes to whether the storm, but are prepared to continue to face whatever comes their way, rejoicing in the good times and leading through the bad.

From them, I have learned to strive to be the very best, every day—don’t skirt the problem, for therein lies an opportunity to improve. Minor successes never come without a lot of tumbles, but I have learned it’s not how many times you fall, but how you get back up. Mistakes are made and we must own these mistakes and move forward in the most positive light. Instead of pointing a finger as to all the reasons something didn’t work, I have learned from clients to look within for those required resources to pick up and start fresh and aim for that one daily success.

In order to create a lasting impact, we must strive each and every day to do the very best job possible—to passionately complete the task, however menial, at hand. And in doing this, we will look back and realize we have become the best at what we do, masters, if you will, of our chosen domain, hitting the mark not just once, but constantly and consistently, day after day.


On this day of Thanks Giving, I thank you—my client for the inspiration.

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