Performance Culture

Performance Culture

According to experts in this field, a performance culture is one where the entirety of the organization shares a strong sense of purpose and alignment with core values. Productive and motivated members of the organization, at all levels from entry, to tenured, to...
Performance Culture

WHOLE Person Benefits

An employee is typically defined as: “A person employed by a business in return for a wage/salary.” Does this mean that only what the person does on “paid” time impacts their performance on the job? Of course not. Just like an...
The Disconnect between employers and employee expectation.

The gaps between

See a need—Fill a need—Create a need I’ve been fortunate to be a student | alumni of the Disney Institute for a number of years and have gain significantly from their curriculum, both in usable tools and practical application. This has made me an astute observer...
The Disconnect between employers and employee expectation.

Who Pays? How Much?

The costs of not aligning benefits to productivity. EBN offered a webinar for post pandemic learnings—the silver lining take aways, where MP Benefits Inc. had the opportunity to share in conversation with Dr. Anthony Harris, MD MBA.  With the world pivoting within...
The Disconnect between employers and employee expectation.

When Culture gets Flushed Away

Okay, I have to share this, but if you are eating, don’t read on … I’ve had to get quite a bit of dental work done lately to replace decades-old fillings. Due to these experiences as a child, I am one of those patience with some anxiety prior to sitting in the...