With the ability to reveal an individual’s risk of developing various illnesses and disease, genetic testing is expected to transform the practice of medicine. However, those with known family history of certain conditions may opt not to take such tests for fear of...
“A change is as good as a rest,” my mom was fond of saying. Though I didn’t exactly know what that meant growing up, as I got older and into my career routine, I came to understand the importance of that advice. Growing up we were never a family who could afford to go...
Memories of a lifetime etched in stone forever. For more than 55-years, Edmonton Granite Memorials Ltd. has earned the reputation of excellence for personalized custom designed memorials. As a third generation, family owned company, their commitment to the local...
Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. When companies ‘switch’ their insurance provider due to a rate hike at their renewal with a previous carrier, in many cases, without understanding why the premiums...
For the last two years, employers have been left holding the bag, as it were, for employees no longer covered under a benefit plan. Though it is true, fewer employees on a benefit plan reduces the premium costs. But what about the impact of this reduction at renewal...