An employee is typically defined as: “A person employed by a business in return for a wage/salary.”

Does this mean that only what the person does on “paid” time impacts their performance on the job?

Of course not.

Just like an athlete—sports—industrial—intellectual—what impacts them on off hours will impact their performance while “on”. The tools used, including their natural equipment like comprehension, sight, and hearing will impact their productivity.

Changed perception.

Consider a softball game. One of the key outfielders forgot their cleats. The day was misty, the player performed well, but certainly not up to expectations or what the team considered standard. The player missed a couple of key plays due to slip and falls, eliciting laughter in the stands. The next day bruised and weary, the player reports for duty at the office. Without a doubt, the weekend activity impacted their day’s performance.

As the world of work continues to evolve, so too do the demands placed on employees and employers alike. Work-life balance has added corporate pressure to offer a complete benefits package which looks at the “whole” person, not just limited specific areas.

This is why our plans relate employees to athlete. Corporations expect—rightly so—that hired employees will perform to expectations on a consistent, regular basis to earn their wage. This is inclusive of construction workers and factory employees to healthcare professionals and first responders, to accountants and lawyers, alike. All of these workers need to be in top emotional and physical conditioning in order to perform their jobs effectively and avoid injury.

Culture booster.

Shifting focus means moving from simply “getting the job done” to capitalizing on discretionary effort. Seeing employees as 24/7 people is a step toward ensuring that workers are able to perform their jobs safely and effectively over the long term. This opens the door for employers to begin to take a more proactive approach to workplace safety and injury prevention, aligning compensation, safety, wellness, and benefits all aimed at the same goal—increased productivity from actively engaged staff.

Healthy employees are safe employees.

One of the key components of any effective injury prevention program is a comprehensive benefits package. How can employees ever appreciate what they have as “benefits” if they are never told in an on-going proactive manner. We help employers build out a total rewards system, complete mapping the customer experience to the employee journey with “Just in Time” communication so team members become professional advocates for their place of work attracting more high performing talent.

This means taking benefits beyond the basics and build a unique program to mesh with the organization’s in-house philosophy. A complete program will include total rewards, protection of income, health, wellness, training for career enhancement and other essential resources so your employee athletes can be top performers, taking your business to the next level.

Why are benefits so key to this schematic?

Offering a complete benefits package isn’t just about keeping employees on the job, “fit for duty” healthy and safe. It’s a critical tool for attracting and retaining top talent. In today’s competitive job market, it’s a fact that workers are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to feel valued and supported by their employer, and a comprehensive—whole person—benefits package is one way to provide that support.

A mindset

How will it change the mindset when your employees understand you value them to the same manner as professional athletes?

The term “Industrial or Intellectual Athlete” serves as an important reminder that labor, both physical and mental is just as demanding as any playing a sport. By recognizing this fact and offering a complete benefits package that combines safety, health, compensation, and emotional well-being, bridged by an ability to access care when and how an athlete needs it ensures that workers stay healthy, safe, and engaged on the job.

We’d be pleased to engage in a meaningful conversation on this and other benefit topics. Give us a call.

Note: this was written without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.