Looking for a quotation on group coverage?

Don’t be daunted by complications and rules of insured benefits.

Remember, GROUP insurance is a GROUP of individual insurance products, GROUPed together for a GROUP of individuals financially linked through common employment.

Insurance providers are a shrinking market, so the first item of business is to choose a broker. Someone who will listen to what you need and then gather various quotations from different insurance companies and analyze the information accordingly. Remember, insurance carrier (Manulife, Sun Life, Great-West Life, Standard Life, RBC Insurance, etc.) will release only one quote to one broker. In order for another broker to receive a quote on the same client, the original broker must, in essence, be fired from the case.

Note, a broker is not bound by any one insurance company…they are their own company and they work for the client–always.

An insurance agent, on the other hand, is bound to one insurance company and works for that company only. A client may deal with an agent of that company, but that agent will always be biased towards that insurance company who pays them.

Benefit brokers apply strategies to achieve solutions:

Listen to the wants and needs of the employer group.

Then complete an analysis of the existing benefit plan (if available) to get a real feel for what is going with that benefit plan, which has caused the client to seek alternate quotations, know what they are paying for and what has been used and what is not used or valued by the employees.

Next is to develop and build a plan design to work and be able to be modified for that client as they grow and change as a business.

Then and only then, will the broker canvas the marketplace for pricing on benefits and by that point everyone is clear about the objectives of what they want to achieve with the benefit plan as an overall business solution.


Insurance CAN be complicated by those who like complicated; but it doesn’t have to be.

We like simple straight forward solutions that work for our clients in attaining their benefit goals.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.