An Employer’s Culture Journey

An Employer’s Culture Journey

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. Chris Collins has been in the “trenches” since the beginning. He started his journey with the...
Let’s play a game…What? So what?

Let’s play a game…What? So what?

What do we do and why? Sometimes offering a benefit plan for employees seems like a game. A game of cat and mouse. A game whereby business owners want to check the box of offering a benefit plan to attract employees into the fold, but they don’t get behind the...
Who Pays? How Much?

Who Pays? How Much?

The costs of not aligning benefits to productivity. EBN offered a webinar for post pandemic learnings—the silver lining take aways, where MP Benefits Inc. had the opportunity to share in conversation with Dr. Anthony Harris, MD MBA.  With the world pivoting within...
An Employer’s Culture Journey

GroupRRSP SHifT with Dave Campbell

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. How do we improve conversations about employees investing for the future? Instead of Group Retirement being relegated...