According to Trish Kelly from Open Door, one in five Canadians TODAY lives with a disability—whether disclosed or not. In a world where diversity, inclusion, and equity are synonymous with workplace corporate culture, 20% of our active workforce continues to be overlooked and not “included”.

In striving for the best talent, attitude is everything. During a dynamic SHifT, we took a deep dive into what “INCLUSION” really means. 

Working in collaboration, Open Door Group and Presidents Group are two organizations committed to improving employment for people with disabilities. Their collaborated effort takes a dive deep into recent international research on practices that truly increase inclusion and retention of people with disabilities in the workplace. They work to align expectations and help everyone perform to their best ability.

In fact, nearly 650,000 Canadians with disabilities are able to work but are not currently employed. Consider for a moment where the world would be if these abilities had been overlooked.

Ludwig van Beethoven, pianist, and composer couldn’t hear his audience’s response to his 9th Symphony premier in 1824 due to being deaf. He had been afflicted with progressive hearing loss from the age of 28 and by the time he was in his forties, he conversed through notes. 

Stephen Hawking, renowned Physicist was diagnosed with the motor neuron disease, ALS, in 1963, yet that did not impact his mind or ability to direct research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, publish books, and pursue his passions, which included campaigning for improved access and support for those with disabilities.

It’s hard to imagine life for Polio survivors before Robin Cavendish, along with his friends and family decided not to accept the status quo of being confined to an iron lung for a respirator. Despite being stricken by the debilitating disease at 28-years old, in the 1950, Robin went on to live a rich life.

My disability is that I cannot use my legs. My handicap is your negative perception of that disability, and thus of me.”

~Rick Hansen is the founder and CEO of the Rick Hansen Foundation, known Paralympic athlete who has dedicated his life for the removal of barriers for disabled individuals.

People with disabilities say employers have a long way to go to reach disability inclusion. A 2021 poll by Angus Reid and Rick Hansen Foundation found (40%) of those living with a disability say that companies fall short when it comes to hiring those who are disabled.

Other notable ABILITIES:

·      Former US president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, afflicted with polio had confined to a wheelchair for the majority of his political career, while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was visually impaired. The great orator, former UK Prime Minster, and author, Sir Winston Churchill had dyslexia.

·      Notable poet, author, and artist, Christy Brown suffered from cerebral palsy.

·      Four-time Emmy Award winner and three-time Peabody Award winner, John Hockenberry worked with Dateline as a journalist all the while confined to a wheelchair from a spinal cord injury.

·      Both Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles, world renowned musical artists and performers, both blind. Ella Fitzgerald was both an amputee and visually impaired. Composer, Andrea Boccelli is visually impaired. Singer, Elton John suffered with epilepsy. 

·      Heavy rockers will know Rick Allen, the Def Leppard drummer, known as “The Thunder God” who lost his left arm in 1985. Allen continued to perform and is considered to be one of the greatest drummers of all time.

·      RaShad Birsto was the first police academy graduate with one arm, while Shaquem Griffin became the first ever one-handed player in the National Football League in 2018. 

·      Motivational speaker and founder of “Attitude is Everything”, Nick Vujicic was born with phocomelia—no arms or legs.

·      Cancer research activist, Terry Fox attempted to run across Canada on a prosthetic leg.

·      Pursuing excellent in acting includes Millie Bobby Brown and Marlee Matlin, both hearing impaired actresses. Dan Aykroyd has Asperger’s and Tourette syndrome. Peter Dinklage was born with Achondroplasia Dwarfism, and Sarah Gordy has Down Syndrome. Geri Jewell has Cerebral Palsy, Rene Kirby, Spina Bifida, Johnny Depp, blind in his left eye, and Michael J. Fox, Parkinson’s Disease.

·      Author, political activist, and lecturer, Helen Keller was visually impaired. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland author, Lewis Carroll was autistic and deaf in one ear. Tesla and SpaceX co-founder, Elon Musk has Asperger’s and Dyslexia.

·      Being blinded in one eye at the age of three, Louis Braille went on to invent the tactile reading system named after him.

The list of notable ABILITIES goes in into every workplace, every needed innovation, and hence this very conversation. A key challenge for the next hiring phase, the next advertisement, the next candidate qualifying round is to ask: 

·      What can this person DO FOR MY business? 

·      What can this person add to my workplace?

·      What can we, as an organization do differently to engage these lived experiences in support of innovation to the workplace.?

We’d be pleased to engage further on this topic. Give us a call. 

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.