Let’s Talk About SHifT

You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast.

Lotus Group is all about people. The right people.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4 million Americans quit their jobs in July 2021. This is true in Canada as well.

Did you know that North America is SHORT 80,000 drivers. How will this impact your business?

How can employers retain people in the face of this tidal wave of resignations? How about retention at every stage of the career cycle to make your organization a choice to retire from … the long term valued employee.

Addressing the root causes of these staggering statistics starts with better understanding them.

Where people are in the career path.

What industries are most impacted.

Lotus Group provides elevated solutions that help clients to achieve desired growth. We go beyond skill, experience and efficiency to reach the heart of truly effective collaboration in partnership with our clients.

Is this the time of the Great Resignation or the opportunity for Organizational Culture Change?

Here’s why we all need to talk about this SHifT.

Strategic, consistent conversations with experts will assist professionals and entrepreneurs alike to improve their business practices through interactive conversations inclusive of communication, leadership, culture, consulting, wellness, compensation, community, growth, and connection which creates actionable ideas for sustainable growth.



Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.