To help

To educate

To give hope

The Credit Counselling Society is a registered, non-profit service for Canadians struggling financially. Their services help them learn how to:

  • solve debt problems
  • manage money better
  • use credit responsibly

If you know someone who is stressed because of debt, struggling to make minimum payments each month, and needs a plan to get their finances back on track, Credit Counselling can help. Proper money management doesn’t involve a magic formula to find more money. It simply means getting the most from the money you do have.

Appointments with their certified counsellors are free and completely confidential, and open to anyone who needs help. There are no restrictions on age, gender, race, or income level.

A counsellor will review a consumer’s monthly budget including income, expenses, and debt payments, providing information and guidance to help them make an informed decision about their finances. The Credit Counselling Society helps you to:

  • reduce or eliminate interest charges from credit cards
  • repay your debts with one
  • manageable monthly payment
  • avoid bankruptcy
  • stop collection calls
  • start saving for your future

“In All That We Do, What’s Best for Our Clients Comes First,” says Scott Hannah, President & CEO. “Even though we are a non-profit service, we don’t take a passive approach to helping Canadians with their debts. Our vision is to be the leader in providing innovative and superior personal credit and debt counselling services and programs in Canada.”

While the vision is very important, values are even more important:

  • we are committed to quality and excellence in everything we do
  • we act with honesty, integrity and ethics
  • we treat all people with dignity, fairness and respect

With this attitude it is no wonder employee benefits play a strategic role in employee retention.

“Attracting and retaining great employees is an ongoing challenge for all organizations. One of the ways we are able to accomplish this is by providing our employees with a comprehensive benefit program. Our annual employee surveys confirm that our benefit program administered by MP Benefits is highly valued by our staff as it has the flexibility to provide the benefits they need when they need them,” states Scott Hannah. With 22 offices in cities across Canada, Credit Counselling Society is open 6-days a week with extended hours to serve.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.