Even the most senior CEO can become “paralyzed” by fear of failing. This is not unique to people new to business. Engaging in a new endeavour can cause concern about the quality of performance. Does that mean business professionals should stick to the status quo?...
Canadian Disability Survey https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/181128/dq181128a-eng.htm A demographic, employment and income profile, 2017 An estimated one in five Canadians (or 6.2 million) aged 15 years and over had one or more disabilities that limited...
For every dollar paid in salary, it costs typically twice that-sometimes more-to recruit, hire, and retrain for an employee who has left. So, here you go again…you’ve done everything right to recruit the best candidate who is going to take the business to the...
You can’t track, what you DO NOT measure. In talking about becoming a Centre of Influence (COI), first examine what makes YOUR business different from not only the competition, but also fellow networkers. Consistency matters. Not just for establishing a Centre’s of...
Alberta’s legislative framework, and the Federal Government’s Bill C-45, the “Cannabis Act” concerns the legalized recreational use of cannabis and how it will affect businesses and the economy. Bill C-45 is accompanied by Bill C-46, An Act to amend the Criminal Code...