SHifT our Obesity Bias

SHifT our Obesity Bias

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. An issue, condition, disease and topic that is present in all walks of life and all areas of the workplace. Yet, this...
Hire to Retire…

Hire to Retire…

It’s an old concept. Can it be made new again? By and large, the baby boomers, in their effort to rebuild and re-establish “normal” went to work for a company with intention of staying with the same corporate enterprise until retirement. What an idea! Many understood...
SHifT our Obesity Bias

The ROI of Corporate Culture

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. Very often employers have the misconception of “spending too much…” time, energy, money to support...
Are Benefit Marketing’s for Amateurs?

Are Benefit Marketing’s for Amateurs?

Too true, and rightly so, business owners deserve the best rates. Always. But at what cost to their coverage and employees? That is an ironic question. As benefit consultants, do we not need to first and foremost ensure the coverage is in place as expected? Consider,...