Okay, I have to share this, but if you are eating, don’t read on … I’ve had to get quite a bit of dental work done lately to replace decades-old fillings. Due to these experiences as a child, I am one of those patience with some anxiety prior to sitting in the...
Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. Team Building Lead | Inspire | Educate Corporate culture is understood to be the beliefs and behaviours that...
Culture Imagine the relaxing jets of water from a lovely shower head, warm on a cold day. Imagine one of the jets out of line and a small drop of icy water drips onto your head. Even amongst the warm water, this one drop is felt and disturbs the enjoyment of the...
Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. It only takes the one… Lead | Inspire | Educate ~The one…violation ~The one…slip up ~The...
Within the realm of Employee Group Benefits in Canada, there is very little available to learn on how to get started on the career path of a benefits advisor or consultant as an actual career path. For that reason and more, many practitioners get their start in the...