When Culture gets Flushed Away

When Culture gets Flushed Away

Okay, I have to share this, but if you are eating, don’t read on … I’ve had to get quite a bit of dental work done lately to replace decades-old fillings. Due to these experiences as a child, I am one of those patience with some anxiety prior to sitting in the...
A Conversation about “Culture within Culture”

A Conversation about “Culture within Culture”

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. Team Building Lead | Inspire | Educate Corporate culture is understood to be the beliefs and behaviours that...
When Culture gets Flushed Away

The Drip

Culture Imagine the relaxing jets of water from a lovely shower head, warm on a cold day. Imagine one of the jets out of line and a small drop of icy water drips onto your head. Even amongst the warm water, this one drop is felt and disturbs the enjoyment of the...
A Conversation about “Culture within Culture”

Policy SHifT … Sooner is Better

Let’s Talk About SHifT You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast. It only takes the one… Lead | Inspire | Educate ~The one…violation ~The one…slip up ~The...
The Career Path of a Benefits Advisor

The Career Path of a Benefits Advisor

Within the realm of Employee Group Benefits in Canada, there is very little available to learn on how to get started on the career path of a benefits advisor or consultant as an actual career path. For that reason and more, many practitioners get their start in the...