MP Benefits has been around for a long time…and in all that time, I can say I know of no “secret sauce” to what we do.

Being focused on employee experience, abiding by the employer’s need for cost certainty, transparency, and open communication, means creating benefit plans which reflect the CORE values of the companies in which we serve. In that our path is clear and simple—no secrets.

Anyone, of course, can say that they do this, but should they?

Often the bane of being a specialist in this field is when I hear the others say, “Group? Yeah, sure, we do that too.”

As our customers know, our reply is “No, we don’t just do that TOO. That is ALL we do.”

I have equated the TOO in “we do that too,” to:


Group is all we do. In that vein, why would I, who specializes in Employee Group Benefits feel I can also do someone’s financial plan and do it well? Each layer of insurance—home & auto, individual life and disability, financial planning, investments, succession, etc. all require expert advice.

Perhaps that’s the secret sauce…not what we do, but HOW we do it. Specializing for the greater benefit of the customer. Putting them first.

Listening. Understanding. Servicing.

We accomplish this through open accessibility, in person meetings, being involved with the human resource strategy of the company, connecting them with other experts whose sole responsibility is the success of that client. 

Why should anyone care about this?

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