A lot is being written about getting people “back” to work, as though the actual labour and productivity in most cases ever stopped. Yes, some areas of the economy did have stoppage, but for the most part, we managed a work around. It seems though that the real question seems to be location—location—location?

The Remote Work | Office debate

Legally, as Financial Post employment lawyer, Howard Levitt points out, employers can get employees back into the physical office, legally, if they want to. However, others on the opposing side of the debate, ask: “why would you want to”, taking into account the streamlined efficiency, productivity, and monetary gains achieved by many corporations the last year and a half.


Whatever YOUR decision, needless to say, it has to be the right for YOUR corporate structure and culture, remembering not to forget to:

  • Focus on the company’s values, team building, with clear expectations
  • Foster an attitude of care, compassion, and concern, knowing these decisions impact a lot of newly, now established habits from your staff
  • Establish boundaries, making the case of separation between home and office


This is where we’re feeling the post pandemic dopamine rush … the removal of limitations as we re-fresh our “normal”. The re-open is a great mental health lubricator we should all be taking advantage of after so long in isolation.

From shopping without masks, to planning a dinner with friends, the joy is real and should be savoured, says the experts. Reconnecting is having powerful impact on people and their relationships.

In the Healthline article, Dr. Gail Saltz, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill-Cornell Medical College reminds people to remember your compassion and empathy for those who have suffered loss, whether a loved one, income, occupation, security, etc. In this, we need to take it slow and easy to increase emotional awareness in this new emergence.


Did raises really vanish during the pandemic?

A recent article suggests that 57% of survey responders dropped salary increases for the last year.

Talent scarcity is on the horizon and employers need to plan what their total compensation package may look like to target those areas where skilled employees are most highly sought.

Harvard Business Review suggests reimagining compensation will be the way of the future because “Without care, people can’t work”. Looking at areas like:

  • child and senior care benefits
  • flexible work hours
  • employee assistance program
  • and always your employee group benefit package

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.