Let’s Talk About SHifT

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Lee-Anne Reuber is the Founder and CEO of Sekond Skin Society, where virtual movement membership is evolving for everyone’s success in fitness.
We all know how important movement is no matter what age or stage of life or preference … Sekond Skin has your fit for success.

Their niche is inclusivity. FOR YOU.

Sekond Skin offers movement options for every age/stage of life from prenatal to seniors and everything in between. What’s even more impressive is their variety of class options! No matter your preference, even time range … they have you covered!

From yoga to barre, weights to HIIT, dance to Chi Kung, and so many specialty classes and workshops, the wide variety in our membership has never been seen in another online platform. Members drive the evolution of the program itself. They get to say what they’re loving and bring more! They get to say what they’re missing and Sekond Skin finds it!

Barriers removed, this is where you belong. Ongoing coaching and support for members keeps them engaged.

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