Let’s Talk About SHifT

You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast.

Lalith Gunaratne is a parent, entrepreneur, leadership trainer, networker/connector, action researcher teaching Mindfulness, co-own Renewable Energy ventures, connect people and businesses together.

Lalith is a “disrupter”- honouring self knowledge to find unity between mind – matter, to build lasting relationships based on respect, integrity and love.

Mindfulness helps take responsibility by focusing on breath to discern thoughts, stay positive, be resilient in acceptance of the uncertain chaotic world. The practice – quiet time, reflection, meditation and family anchor leaders to be open, vulnerable and confident.

Lalith facilitates and connects good people and ethical businesses in infrastructure investments, trading, the high tech space, energy efficiency, real estate and education.

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