Let’s Talk About SHifT

You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast.

We’re talking Experience SHifT!

Are you ready?

This week’s featured guest is Dennis Moseley-Williams, author, keynote speaker, host of the Serious Shift podcast.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-mo…

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast…

Book, Serious Shift: https://www.amazon.ca/Serious-Shift-E…

Website: https://moseleywilliams.com

Entrepreneurs struggle to understand what clients/customers “see” when they view their practice to get to the “experience” economy … How can we know?

Dennis Moseley-Williams is one of only two certified Experience Economy experts working in the financial services industry globally. The other is his business partner, Tom Frisby.

Dennis is the founder of DMW Strategic Consulting. He started the Serious Shift movement for those of us who are determined to make meaningful, positive and lasting change in our life and business. Dennis’s company works with entrepreneurs and business owners around the world who are looking to make their life and business a better place.

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