Let’s Talk About SHifT

You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast.

Harry Matheis is the founder of Matheis Financial Group, a professional advisory firm serving business families, corporations and individuals in areas of planning, driving efficiencies, finding clarity and simplifying processes of Company sponsored Benefit and Savings Programs.

Harry is a Certified Family Business Coach and holds the Family Enterprise Advisory (FEA™) designation, member Family Enterprise Exchange (FEX), Elder Planning Designation (EPC) and Certified Health Insurance Specialist (CHS); member of The Financial Advisors Association of Canada – Advocis, former President of the Durham Chapter and a member of CALU, and the Canadian Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC). He is a member of Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI), International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans (IFEBP).

“In 10 short months, positive disruption has moved to the new normal welcoming all agents of change. Consumer awareness, delivery of services, business processes, the workplace, and, in general, the way mankind participates in this thing we call the human ‘race’ has changed forever.
Whatabout security, transparency, sharing of this information with whom and for what purpose, and the notion around clarity of consent?

Benefit plan providers using speciality provider services with automated digital platforms and AI (artificial intelligence) ‘bots’ have developed andhave become information-gathering machines for a more informed plan userexperience. Yet this information is beingfed to the push marketing initiative foundin benefit plan providers’ thinking today. Mandates to bypass plan administrators to market a host of services directlyto plan members using gathered plan member data for program launches,intentions, and, in some cases, product purchasing incentives may be concerningfor employer plan sponsors and raise privacy questions with plan members.”

Join the conversation as we explore what the consumer needs to know in this virtual environment to retain privacy and security.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.