The role of the consultant is to source the best program available within the parameters of intended coverage options and price point available in the best interest of the client, without bias, to which they serve.
Sometimes getting to DONE, is as easy as a coffee and conversation!
At Your Service
There are no additional layers of pricing involved towork with the best consulting services offered. From the initial consultation to discovering what works best, aligning benefits to productivity and safety, to the placing of the business, through to the servicing of the contract on an ongoing basis, our customers always know the team is there to get the answer promptly and efficiently.
Protection for employees and their families
Custom design
Corporate competitive edge
Sustainable over the long term
Custom Designed
- Traditional Benefits
- Administrative Services Only (ASO)
- Health Spending Accounts (HSA)
- Flexible Plans
- Refunding Accounting
- Wellness programs
- Strategizing the Hybrid Model customized to suit
Industry Expertise
- Published Author
- Public Speaker
- Pod-Zoom-caster
- Educator
Foreign-Owned Business with Canadian Employees
- Working with head office HR teams
- Connecting to business experts in legal, policies, accounting, etc.
- Built to suit and accommodate Head Office culture
Employee Meetings
- Keeping Staff informed on an on-going annual basis
- Technical updates
- Pricing and/or coverage changes
- Positive reinforcement of the compensation value
- New initiaties
Choice & Control
- Options to suit
- Building to budget
- Sustainable
- Choice of carriers
The Culture “Fit”
- Achieving the vision of the customer
- Intentional | Strategic | Consistent
- Compensation | Culture | Wellness
Trusted By
Consulting Perspective
Between the financial lines
“Sell on price…lose on price” What does that really mean when it comes to a benefit plan? In all industries, there are always competitors out there willing to take on a new customer for a slashed costing. Undercutting the marketplace to gather new customers into the...
Performance Culture
According to experts in this field, a performance culture is one where the entirety of the organization shares a strong sense of purpose and alignment with core values. Productive and motivated members of the organization, at all levels from entry, to tenured, to...
WHOLE Person Benefits
An employee is typically defined as: “A person employed by a business in return for a wage/salary.” Does this mean that only what the person does on “paid” time impacts their performance on the job? Of course not. Just like an...
The Power Perspective
The best interest of the client is the ONLY interest considered.