What do we do and why? Sometimes offering a benefit plan for employees seems like a game. A game of cat and mouse. A game whereby business owners want to check the box of offering a benefit plan to attract employees into the fold, but they don’t get behind the...
Too true, and rightly so, business owners deserve the best rates. Always. But at what cost to their coverage and employees? That is an ironic question. As benefit consultants, do we not need to first and foremost ensure the coverage is in place as expected? Consider,...
Special thanks to Gavin Mosley for igniting the spark for this posting. After years of working with employers on building benefits, I think there are one of two roads for employee group benefit plan discussions: 1. Build a plan according to the rates (premium)...
The constant question…is it mandatory? Why? Typically employers offer an employee group benefit plan as an incentive, part of their positive culture building to retain staff and add to overall compensation. However, despite the best intentions, some employees refuse...
We are all familiar with the “Fair is not Equal and Equal is not Fair”; however, when competing professionals use the term “exact” what “exactly” do they mean? We’ve all been there, a client has their head turned by a competitor offering “exactly” the same for great...
Let’s not forget the human component in business As group benefit consultants, we strive to provide clarity to the complexity that can sometimes be employee group benefits, especially when communication’s limited. That’s not to say the information is not...