What Employees Expect

What Employees Expect

It is no secret, employee group benefit plans provide a substantial financial advantage to employees who benefit per their own workplace or via a spousal program. Though offering benefits is not legally required of employers, according to a 2016 Sun Life Financial...
Economic Outlook

Economic Outlook

Statistics surround us daily, clocking and measuring every move we make in business. Are we above or below the median and what will prove profitable. Inundated as we are, there is always a positive way to view the numbers. Numbers tell a story—but what story? After...
Economic Outlook

Pooling for High Cost Claims

Are we entitled? Consider this, we live in a country where we ‘expect’ to be taken care of without ever having to ante up to pay the bill. We assume these expenses should be covered either through government programs or employee group benefit plans. Without a doubt,...
Economic Outlook

Employee Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is a very real issue and its impact is significant. By its very nature, fraud is intended to be concealed and that is precisely what makes the full impact on group benefits hard to estimate. Fraud typically occurs when opportunity (perception that...
Economic Outlook

Available Benefits

Considering a benefit plan for your employees is significantly different than implementation. Where do you start with making the choice on which benefits to offer? Are all benefits available from all providers? What is the price point for those benefits and what is...