Leading through crisis means recognizing the massive benefit you have provided both your employees and your corporation. Benefits are a strategic part of pandemic planning. EMPLOYMENT LAW: COVID-19, and its effects on your operations and employees Please link through...
COVID-19 is a concern. Each of us, as business owner’s must institute appropriate protocols for ensuring business continues, while maintaining the safety of our most value asset–our employees. The information shared in this newsletter is as up-to-date as...
If there is one on-going, rampant issue which plagues employers, employees, insurance underwriters and benefit broker/consultants alike, it would be employee “waiting periods” for coverage. In the contract for coverage with an insured underwriter, the question is...
To continue with the theme of employer risk of becoming the insurer, let’s consider all the times employees want to waive off the life and disability portion of the plan. A common and misunderstood administration issue is what can and cannot be waived as it applies to...
In benefits, we are all familiar with self-insured benefits and the assumption of risk by the employer. This will typically apply to the day-to-day claims for health, vision, dental care, sometimes pharmacy, up to a prescribed limit of liability. This kind of coverage...