Let’s Talk About SHifT

You have questions and need answers from expert sources. Join Lori Power, Founder of MP Benefits on her weekly zoom-cast.

Melissa Boyles is an associate at Prowse Chowne in the litigation department. Melissa has a general litigation practice, with a focus on disputes regarding employment, intellectual property, business and commercial matters, administrative matters, and construction.

How is COVID-19 affecting employment law and what changes do we see on the horizon with respect to mandatory testing or vaccinations in the workplace?

Will we need a vaccine passport for our next big gulp at the local convenience store?

What privacy, human rights, or occupational healthy and safety issues will future vaccination policies have to address?

If vaccines are mandatory, what will this mean for the seasonal flu vaccine?

How will a duty to accommodate apply?

What constitutional protections might Albertan’s turn to?

This is a thought-provoking discussion on this timely issue.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.