Make no mistake, it is a balancing act for investment when it comes to innovation and productivity. Is new technology—artificial intelligence—the key to answering both of these issues or a means of complicating existing problems.

Technology purchase

Computer software trainer and educator, Connie Clark from Mission Computers cautions that businesses who purchase new technology as the answer, without ensuring people understand HOW to use it, is like buying a $100 hammer, and never putting it to use. What good is it?

Waste reduction

Extra processing waste is more common than many like to admit. This may show up lack of communication, which has more than one on the team doing the same thing, overlapping one another resulting in human error and customer dissatisfaction. Consider e-mails and a central hosting system everyone can access but no one is saving the e-mails into the central storage. Instead, team members save e-mails to their own system. 

If it’s important to the business, then store information where everyone in the business knows where and how to access it to optimized workflow. This should not be limited to the performance of tasks, but also includes reporting, sign-off and document control.

Training matters

When considering the next best piece of technology, factor in training costs for all who will be responsible for using and mastering the new innovation within the firm. This will not only create a return on the investment but will also eliminate waste in the form of time, material, and labor. 

Non-Utilized Talent waste is not process specific. This is a failure of talent utilization. Hiring someone with specific skills and then not allowing those skills to flourish in the practice. Team development is essential for peak performance expectations, profit generation and setting the firm on the right footing to attract future buyers. This may also show up in assigning employees the wrong tasks or tasks for which they were never properly trained. It may also be the result of poor management of communication.

Eliminating this waste is a proactive venture of engaging employees and incorporating their ideas, providing training and growth opportunities and involving them in the creation of process improvements that reflect the reality they experience and the skills they possess, overall operational effectiveness is improved.

Examples of Non-Utilized Talent:

·       Poor communication

·       Failure to involve people in workplace design and development

·       Lack of or inappropriate policies

·       Incomplete measures

·       Poor management

·       Lack of team training

Investment consideration

Technology and training go hand in hand. One does not exist for long without the other. Time spent muddling to “try to figure things out” does not equate to expertise.

“You’re invested when you purchase, when you learn it and do it and do everything you need to so your business is better.”

We love conversation. Give us a call. 

Note: this was written without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


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