December for decisions

A date in the calendar

Sometimes, especially in month twelve of the calendar, it seems there is a lot of anxiety created to either have achieved or missed our goals. We’re either a hero or zero in some fashion. 

The thought of some “magic” occurring at midnight December 31st strikes me as odd. Still, we seem to work all year simply to make it to December. Phew. Wipe the brow and start again. 

And so, we do … we proceed to set our annual goals (maybe the same as the year previous) in January and then when December comes, we brace ourself for the annual reckoning. Failure or success co-exists like the dates in the calendar. Is that healthy? Will we stay the course if this is an annual judgement?

Perhaps it’s time to change perspective.

As Lissa Daub from the Strong Impact Academy points out, goals and targets should be an on-going, all year practice, celebrating the “wins” on a daily basis in order to keep moving forward. Like poet Shel Silverstein says, make it a point to avoid the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” scenarios and then you become “did” and are a winner in your ambitions. 

“All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas

Layin’ in the sun,

Talkin’ ‘bout the things

They woulda coulda shoulda done…

But those Would-Coulda-Shouldas

All ran away and hid

From the one little DID.”

Instead, consider how you set your goals and re-establish them using a different lens:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Which translates into annual consistent success.

Consistency and Communication are key

Like any aspect of your business, set the tone from the on-set. Instead of just saying or writing them down with no particular purpose, waiting for something to happen…plan for actionable events. This involves an outline of the goals and their potential pitfalls to become a S-H-A-R-P Goal Digger. This then becomes a purposeful process complete with a plan for achievement. 

Remember, when you set the purpose, you give yourself focus and take control of the destination, whether that be personal, or professional. Ultimately, when this is done, the decision-making process becomes significantly easier as every action is aimed to bring you closer to triumphing with determination and living your vision. 

  • What do you want to achieve?
    • Is the destination defined?
    • Is this something you actually want?
    • Is this an expectation from others?
    • It is important enough for the effort required?
  • Can traction be measured?
    • Is it SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)?
    • Is there room to celebrate the “wins”?
    • Daily | Weekly | Monthly?
  • Are the goals written down and somewhere they can be referenced every day?
    • Does the team understand the goals?
    • Do the goals align with your overall vision?
    • Do they balance personal to professional?
  • How will you remain on-track?
    • How will you be accountable?
    • Who will hold you accountable?
    • What will you do when an obstacle prevents forward motion?
  • Is there room for flexibility?
    • What happens when circumstances change?

Here’s to winning in the New Year … happy holidays!

We’d be pleased to engage in a meaningful conversation. Give us a call. 

Note: this was written without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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