
Consider how benefits must align with overall business schematic. A successful package forms part of the overall compensation strategy for attracting and more importantly, retaining top talent. It is a fact that a benefit plan also works to re-enforce the culture of the organization.

People are the core of every organization, no matter who that organization is or what they do. And while no two companies are alike, at the end of the day, successful corporations ensure their people are treated and respected.

It’s true, some employees may operate well in a stressful and pressure environment to perform, but this is typically true only for a short term and can have a long term hidden price tag many corporations are not prepared to pay, including, but not limited to:


  • Higher health care expenditures than more balanced, engaged workplaces
  • Lost work days, absentee, and presenteeism, disengagement
  • Significant employee turnover and lack of loyalty
  • Lower productivity, reduced profitability, decline share value
  • Workplace accidents and disability claims
  • Mental health issues

A well-design benefit plan will support health culture and employee promotion through:

  • Attracting and retaining top talent
  • Being competitive in YOUR industry
  • Creating health and wellness opportunities for staff and their families
  • Job security
  • Financial protection
  • Family assistance
  • Catastrophic care

The “benefit” of a benefit plan is not the price tag, but the coverage when you need it.

Boosting workplace culture impacts positively on the financial performance of the company, customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and most importantly, their engagement and loyalty.

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There are only a handful of companies that set the bar high as we do in our quest to exceed the service expectations and needs of our clients each day and MP Benefits gets very high marks in both categories. We are fortunate to work with you and look forward to a long and successful relationship.

All the best.


think productive

Lori Power’s company and mine complement each other. Our Professional relationship is along the lines of a strategic partnership. I have met several of Lori Power’s clients and took it upon myself to speak to some directly In order to odd their perspective to mine in writing this document.

When I asked “What Is your Professional relationship with Lori like?” these where some of the responses. “She Is extremely knowledgeable; she put together a group benefits package that met the needs of our company and our employees: “She clearly knows what she is talking about and listened to what we needed.” “Lori is always there If/when I hove questions, even If I have asked the some question ten times she explains it to me again, no problem: The words her clients used to describe her ore not only powerful and positive, they flowed out of their mouths without any hesitation and using a tone that seemed to soy “I’m so glad you asked!”

I and her clients find Lori to be professional, knowledgeable, reliable, trustworthy, energized, great listener, positive, and a welcome presence in any room. I always look forward to working with Lori Power.

Rachel Murray


For the past 8 years, our company has used MP Benefits for our employee benefit program. We like the program for a number of reasons. We can customize the program to meet our specific requirements and requests. The program is very flexible. We have the option of carrying forward any unused funds to the next year, increasing the amount in the employees funds as we see fit, and the administration fees are very small as compared to a lot of other insurance providers. This means our money is being spent on our employees. Our employees like the program because it is a ‘health spending account’ verses ‘insurance’. Therefore, it can be a supplemental program to any employee who may have spousal coverage. payment on claims is quick. Any issues that we have had are resolved easily with one call or email to Lori Power.

Annette Kuester


The employees here at Stellar greatly appreciate the package of benefits MP has supplied us with. It makes staff feel good knowing their health care needs are taken care of. Having a plan with great coverage for both individuals and families has been a great bonus for all employees.
We would certainly recommend MP Benefits to other builders, showing them the great coverage plans, communication and due diligence the company offers for their clients.

Hillary Klein, Director of Public Relations, Stellar Homes/Genesis on the Lakes


Lori has been instrumental in assisting our staff with our benefits plan, whether it be over the phone, by email, or when she travels to Yellowknife to host information sessions for our staff each year. I often seek her advice if I need clarification and she has always been able to answer my questions or act on my behalf in a timely manner.

Lori’s skills as a negotiator can definitely be seen in our budget. Most recently, our insurer proposed a 0.9% increase to plan premiums, however through Lori’s exceptionable negotiating skills, we actually received a 1.4% decrease, resulting in a savings of over $20,000 for the year.

Amy Curran, Pay & Benefits Officer


Lori has been our group benefits consultant for approximately 9 years. Our companies are wide in range and diverse. On Lori’s recommendation, about a year ago, we changed group providers to streamline our benefits to all be combined, but individual per division under one policy and provider. It came with some challenges, but with Lori’s guidance and assistance, it was fairly smooth transition.

Lori is very knowledgeable, professional, and passionate about benefits. If her assistance is needed with inquiries or issues, she is always eager to help and responds very quickly.

Shelley Baker, Senior Accountant & Benefits Administrator

Culture Perspective

The gaps between

See a need—Fill a need—Create a need I’ve been fortunate to be a student | alumni of the Disney Institute for a number of years and have gain significantly from their curriculum, both in usable tools and practical application. This has made me an astute observer...

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Who Pays? How Much?

The costs of not aligning benefits to productivity. EBN offered a webinar for post pandemic learnings—the silver lining take aways, where MP Benefits Inc. had the opportunity to share in conversation with Dr. Anthony Harris, MD MBA.  With the world pivoting within...

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When Culture gets Flushed Away

Okay, I have to share this, but if you are eating, don’t read on … I’ve had to get quite a bit of dental work done lately to replace decades-old fillings. Due to these experiences as a child, I am one of those patience with some anxiety prior to sitting in the...

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Looking for “Perspective” in Employee Benefits?

Lori Power takes a deeper look at how and why Canadian businesses should establish a customized benefit plan.