Benefit fraud is a very real issue and its impact is significant. By its very nature, fraud is intended to be concealed and that is precisely what makes the full impact on group benefits hard to estimate. Fraud typically occurs when opportunity (perception that...
Considering a benefit plan for your employees is significantly different than implementation. Where do you start with making the choice on which benefits to offer? Are all benefits available from all providers? What is the price point for those benefits and what is...
When we have the opportunity to meet with a new client, it is typically because they have just received their benefit plan renewal and the rates are increasing. At that time, the expectation from the client is to ‘market’ the benefit plan to seek alternative rates...
It’s true, everyone wants a benefit plan and no one wants to pay. It’s like having that fender bender and groaning when the renewal comes up. Insurance was great when it took care of the bills, not so great when the rates come due. Remembering that the purpose of...
MP Benefits Inc. is a business, in business, for businesses and as such our thermometer ALWAYS reflects the mood of the economy. When our clients hurt—we hurt. In the last year, with the combination of a downward economy, the increase to minimum wage, additional taxes...
Strategy is the Solution When we’re talking about benefit plan, what’s in it for you? What really should you expect when working with a benefit specialist? Someone who understands the legislative aspect of the insurance industry. Clients and strategic partners alike...