Expectations on Fraud

Expectations on Fraud

Attending an understanding of benefit fraud to work toward recognition and prevention, offered through Sun Life Financial, the speaker used an apt example to explain how fraud happens. During the annual parade of costumed children on Halloween, many households now use...
Expectations on Fraud

Understanding the “J’ Curve in Benefits

There is a fascination with the “hockey-stick” notion of being innovative and implementing change in business. However, the economic notion of the “J curve” is more the reality and never more so than when implementing a benefit program for staff. The Hockey-Stick...
Expectations on Fraud

Administrative Services Only (ASO)

A benefit tool by many names. First things first, there is often confusion between what is insurance and what is not. Insurance is when the “risk” of claim—life insurance, disability, pharmacy, health care—is under contract with an insurance provider. Financial...
Expectations on Fraud

Let’s agree…to Agree

Right off the bat you are going to want to disagree, but for a moment, as we navigate the conversation, let’s talk about employee group benefits and take money off the table of discussion. I promise, I will put it back on the table, but just for now, let’s indulge the...