REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

Connecting communication strategies to business (benefit) objectives, recruitment, retention, safety, and productivity requirements are necessary to effectively drive the overall purpose of the organization. …that’s where there’s “power” in...
REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

The Alignment of benefits to productivity.

AS WE KNOW, benefits are a significant component of an employee’s compensation package, focusing on the usage value—the “benefits”—rather than premium, adding to the culture of any organization.  However, have you considered how an employee group benefits plan ADDs to...
REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

When Reporting a Change Matters.

Taking a chance may cost you more than premiums. It’s a problem of communication. Too many times employees fail to disclose relevant information relating to their employee benefit coverage, sometimes with the misconception of saving premium, or considering the...
REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

Do we really understand the value of NON-TAXABLE?

Why should anyone care? Nothing seems to get a glazed look faster than a discussion on tax. Sure, if we want to complain about paying tax, or looking at the GST, we’ve plenty to say, but try simply to have a discussion on tax planning and see what happens. Feeling...
REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

Passing the “Benefit” Buck

The “Ace” in your benefit plan Did you ever play the card game “Pass the Ace” as a child? You get one card and three chances to NOT be left with the Ace at the end of the hand. Those who get the ace too often are bumped from the game until only one remains. It’s not a...
REMINDERS on Disability in your Benefit Plan

Prevention Tactics

Benefit Plan Audits Employee benefit plans, like other business cogs, can be taken advantage of via fraud or other forms of mismanagement. A benefits plan audit can help employers minimize this risk and ensure the plan is on track to remain sustainable. Some...