However we view communication, whether it be with clients, family members, on social media, with an audience, our teammates, etc. it comes down to considering the messaging, targeting the audience, and knowing what outcome we want to achieve. For communication to be effective, we must remember that there needs to be, not just the messenger, but also a receiver. 

As we reflect on our expectations of customer service it may be easy to forget that the recipient is a human being with feelings. In this regard, there are a couple of acronyms to remember when you take that breath, open both ears to listen, before you speak.

WAIT=Why Am I Talking

THINK=True (factually accurate) | Honest | Inspiring | Necessary | Kind

TALK=Timing | Attitude | Language | Keep it going

Is it the right time to talk? Whether in customer service, customer relations, lead generating, on-going communication, if it isn’t the right time, or if there is a perception that you do not respect people’s time, you may lose the next opportunity. People will tune out, turn off, ghost your efforts, and shut you down from further opportunity.

Reputation SHifT

For a message to resonate, Shawna Randolph reminds us … we must meet the client where they are time-wise, the language they use, and how they are accustomed to receiving information. This is the art of conversation, effective persuasion, where it matters to remember the person on the other end of the communication has feelings and is a human.

What resonates, connects:

Mean what you say and say what you mean. Hold true to your promises so the next time you choose to engage in conversation, you will not be shouting into empty space.

Establishing a foundation of common values

·      Discover what your customers care about within their own organization. 

·      Find out how does this overlap with what you do. 

Be consistently proactive, instead of reactive

·      Yes, people hate to wait, but if we set reasonable expectations, then we are pro-actively managing the on-going trust and hence a relationship. 

·      Customer loyalty comes from an active approach to clients and gives them a chance for feedback and a “say” in the process they are so much a part of.

SHifT your Benefit Practice



·      Is there such a thing as too much, especially when it comes to maintaining relationships. 

·      Be consistent and reliable.

Be authentic. 

·      Be earnest and remember empathy. 

We want to be part of that positive change.

We’d be pleased to engage in a meaningful conversation. Give us a call. 

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting, and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment, taxation, legal vary accordingly. Please seek legal, accounting and human resources counsel from qualified professionals to make certain your legal/accounting/compliance interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.