
Life is complicated and messy and sometimes we don’t know where to turn to for help. An Employee Assistance Program is an emotional safety net for when we need direction.

Each week, according to LifeWorks research, more than 500,000 Canadians miss work due to stress and personal challenges. Of course this impacts corporate bottom line. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are there to support the employees and promote engagement and wellness in the workplace.

Approximately 88% of the Fortune 500 companies have EAPs.

Employee Assistance Programs help save jobs and money by reducing employee turnover.

Employee Assistance Programs have been shown to increase morale since they focus on helping employees become productive again.

Employee Assistance Programs are preventative. They educate, evaluate, and plan solutions for a wide variety of personal issues, helping both employees and their family members resolve issues before they become overwhelming or impact work performance.

Employee Assistance Programs are an effective tool in assisting supervisors to better manage the workplace and troubled employees.

Employee Assistance Programs are a proactive way for companies to extend a caring, helping hand while building a more productive workforce.

Employee Assistance Programs provide employees with a valuable resource for helping them cope with a wide variety of issues on and off the job, including alcohol and drug abuse, overall mental well-being, marital/relationship issues, child/family issues, stress, dependent care, and more.

First line, front lines counseling and support services for employees, management, and team leads alike to assist with issues impacting performance, absenteeism, and mental health.

  • Family
  • Financial
  • Distress
  • Employment
  • Presentism
  • Leadership
  • Coaching
  • …More

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What a wonderful initiative you started and continued with! I assume it evolved beyond what you thought was possible.

Great work and thank you for being a beacon of hope and guidance in a challenging year – You took responsibility and made a difference

Well done – and I hope you and your family have a great holiday, rest up and enjoy a break, you deserve it!

Rod Ezekiel

Wellness Perspective

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Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

Prior to March 2020, more than 30% of all disability claims in Canada were mental health related. Even with such staggering figures, and despite EAP programs having been around for decades, employer’s response to implementing Employee Assistance Programs remained a...

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